About Us

Ara Pacis is a literary publisher interested in aligning print-on-demand technology with traditional publishing goals. We are committed to keeping our authors’ works in print in order to provide long-term availability necessary to establish their presence on an ever-shifting literary landscape. Ara Pacis also believes itself a counterbalance to the plethora of narrow and conflicting literary perspectives that constitutes the playing field of contemporary letters. We think too many widely divergent attitudes toward literature today prevent the publication of progressive works of literature and contemporary thought. As such, we see Ara Pacis as a platform from which the experienced writer can launch a long-term literary vision, as well as a welcoming venue for new writers who have found their voice. The writers we publish, in fact, form the crux of our editorial department, providing feedback and reaction to new works offered for publication. Our ultimate goal is to publish manuscripts that are unique and interesting in both style and substance, not merely gratuitous or self-indulgent, but as Pascal Covici, co-founder of the New York publishing company Covici-Friede, put it—”If we must lose money in publishing, let us at least lose it on good books.” We also feel it is important to bring to public attention through our imprint, Bigio Morato, works of fiction and non-fiction of unique literary and aesthetic quality in style and tone, as well as literary essays, reprints of forgotten modern classics, philosophy, works on art, and film criticism worth publishing or republishing for their quality and value.